National Engineer's Week

Promoting Engineering for over 45 years.

  • Raising public awareness.
  • Promoting the importance of technical education.
  • Motivating students to pursue engineering and related careers.
  • Financially supporting STEM organizations and events.

Generous sponsorship provided by:

Proceeds from E-Week are used to help support the following student activities.

Educating Girls for Engineering (EdGE)
Shaker High School Engineering Capstone
Albany Area Math Circle Program
Society of Women Engineers Merit Award RPI ASCE Student Chapter Steel Bridge Competition RPI ASCE Student Chapter Concrete Canoe Competition Air and Waste Management Earth Day Grant Team 250 Robotics
HVCC/ASCE Steel Bridge Competition for College Students
Model Bridge Competition held at E-Week for High School Students
Capital District Future City Competition for Middle School Students Regional and New York State Math Counts Program for Middle School Students.

In addition to financial support, our E-Committee advocates for all of these programs and competitions. We commonly volunteer during the events to help make them successful. If you would like to volunteer your time as a mentor, please contact any member of the E-Week Committee to learn more.